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Get Involved
Get Involved

NEMICS recognises that one of the best ways of enhancing patient care is to listen to and value the voice of people who have been diagnosed with cancer and have experience of the health care services.  

It was because of this understanding that NEMICS formed a Consumer Reference Group (CRG).   Our consumers provide advice and make an active contribution to improving cancer services by working with the NEMICS program office and health services within the region.

If you have had an experience of cancer or supported someone through cancer, your knowledge can help us understand the needs of people affected by cancer and contribute to improvements to cancer services.

Community members can participate through involvement in a range of ways. These can include:

•    membership of the NEMICS Consumer Reference Group
•    providing the patient experience of cancer through involvement on project committees, attending small group discussions and workshops
•    reviewing and providing feedback on patient information pamphlets and service improvement ideas

If you would like to be involved or wish to find out more, please contact:

Anna Mascitti
Project Manager - Coordinated Care & Consumer Engagement
Ph 9496 3322

“It is very satisfying to know that the issues we have input to, or involvement in, are making improvements to the way cancer services are delivered,……which we hope leads to better outcomes and experiences for others”
Janine Rossely - NEMICS Consumer Reference Group member
A Common Path Cancer Support And Advice Videos

The ‘A common path’ suite of cancer support and advice videos have been developed by NEMICS for people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer.  They provide people with an opportunity to learn from others who have already experienced a cancer diagnosis and treatment, highlighting how they made decisions, the things they learned along the way, the things that helped, and things they wish they had known or done better.


Consumer input has been crucial in the development of these videos.  Involvement has included :

  • the NEMICS Consumer Reference Group who were central in the development of the project idea

  • participation in focus groups to identify the issues people face when diagnosed with cancer; and

  • people sharing their experiences as participants of the videos. 


The videos can be found on  YouTube under the ‘A common path’ channel 


A total of 16 videos have been produced.  Fourteen relate to specific cancer types and there are two general videos

Anchor 1
Common path podcast
A Common Path Cancer Support And Advice Podcasts

The ‘A Common Path’ series of cancer support and advice podcasts have been developed by NEMICS for people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer.


They provide people with an opportunity to learn from others who had already experienced a cancer diagnosis and treatment, highlighting how they made decisions, the things they learned along the way, the things that helped, and the things they wish they had known or done better.


The podcasts are currently available on Spotify and Podbean.  They will be available on other platforms in the near future. 

Community Ambassador Program

The Community Ambassador Program is an initiative of the NEMICS Consumer Reference Group.

Research indicates people with cancer who receive information and help with psychological and social issues have been shown to demonstrate lower rates of anxiety, mood disorders and physical symptoms such as pain and nausea, and significantly greater knowledge about their disease and treatment.

If you or a loved one have received a cancer diagnosis, having the right information and support can make things easier.  Local community services offer a range of valuable resources including information and support.  Knowing what these services are and where to find them is important.


The free program provides a trained volunteer to present to community groups and organisations on:

  • Available services and resources  

  • Helpful tips at different stages  

  • How and where to find reliable  information   

For more information on having the Coping with Cancer presentation conducted at your group/organisation, please contact:
Anna Mascitti
Project Manager - Coordinated Care & Consumer Engagement
Ph 9496 3322

Coping with Cancer: Community Ambassador Presentation


Ray Kelly, a community ambassador and an active member of the CRG, has been instrumental in delivering the presentation at many of the local Probus clubs in our region. 


Having being diagnosed and treated with several cancers, as well as a strong history of cancer in the family, Ray is well familiar with dealing with health professionals and cancer health services. He is also a very keen advocate of sharing with others the useful tips that he has learnt along the way.  


Audiences consistently feedback that the material presented is informative, helpful, interesting and inspirational.

View an example of the presentation below, conducted at the North Balwyn Men's Probus Club meeting on Tuesday 9th August 2016.

“Emotional and practical support is just as important as the medical treatment.  You need support, and to get the support, you need to know what is out there and how to get it.”
“Being involved in such a program ensures that the experiences I endured during my own cancer battles, along with the processes I went through, can be put to good use in assisting present and future consumers”.
-Ray Kelly 
Community Ambassador Program
Survivorship Resources

Survivorship initiatives in NEMICS health services


Austin Health

Brain tumour support group


Endocrine breast cancer clinic
Dedicated clinic addressing survivorship issues (including bone health, menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk management) in women who are prescribed adjuvant endocrine therapy.  The clinic enables translational and clinical research in ER/PR+ breast cancer and  links to wellness centre acupuncture, massage and psychology services.  Contact:


Haematology late effects and healthy living clinic
Austin Health haematology service provides a nurse-led late effects and healthy living clinic. 


Haematology survivorship Clinic

The haematology survivorship clinic provides holistic assessment and referral to a range of wellness and community services.  They have delivered projects investigating a nutrition intervention following stem cell transplantation and the impact of computer brain training on cancer-related cognitive changes.  
For more information, contact


Olivia Newton John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre information lounge
The information lounge provides an excellent range of electronic and paper-based information resources for people at all stages in the cancer journey.


Prostate Cancer Survivorship Clinic

Austin Health received a NEMICS service improvement grant to improve care provided to men after prostate cancer.  Targeting men treated with radiotherapy, this initiative provides holistic assessment, care planning and care coordination at end of treatment.
For more information, contact Carla.D'


Wellness Centre services

  • Supportive care and group interventions accessible to people living with/beyond cancer.  Programs include: mindfulness meditation, relaxation,  yoga, support groups and educational groups.

  • Live Well Program: evidence-based group program promoting emotional wellbeing, diet and exercise after cancer



Carrington Health

Carrington Health Good Life Cancer Survivorship Program

Carrington Health, a community health service in Box Hill have established a new Good Life Cancer Survivorship Program with support from a Department of Health and Human Services Victorian Cancer Survivorship Program grant.  A partnership project with Eastern Health and NEMICS, the service provides allied health interventions to people with/after cancer.  With access to services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics and counselling, the service assists people to get back to life after cancer and to maximise function and quality of life for people living with cancer.


Eastern Health

Eastern Health Breast Service survivorship care planning

Eastern Health are establishing health and wellbeing care planning for women who have completed treatment.
For more information, contact Mary-Anne Dennemoser

Survivorship Resources
Useful links
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Facebook

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services are supported by the Victorian Government 

© 2021 North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service

Contact Us
145 Studley Road,
Heidelberg, VIC 3084
P: (03) 9496 9968
F: (03) 9496 3898

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

Useful links

You can find useful links to other cancer related website and resources on our resources page.


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