New features make it even easier to learn about the VICS and how we can help you.
NEMICS attends official launch of the Victorian Cancer Plan 2024–2028.
HRICS release 2023-24 Annual Report sharing an overview of our achievements.
The VICS have convened an expert advisory group of 24 multidisciplinary stakeholders in endometrial cancer care, from across Victoria, to guide the next VICS Optimal Care Summits consultation.
HRICS welcomes the release of the new plan and look forward to contributing to its success.
The VICS managers, clinical directors, and governance groups welcome the new plan and look forward to contributing to its success.
The VICS’ most recent strategic consultation has surveyed stakeholders across the state about patterns of endometrial cancer care
Read the latest news from NEMICS and its member health services
Summit topics in 2025 will be colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, and hepatocellular carcinoma.
The VICS have released a plan to address 20 unwarranted variations in oesophagogastric cancer care and outcomes in Victoria
The VICS’ first consultation specifically on endometrial cancer care and outcomes began in mid-2024
Eastern Health launched nangnak warr bagora; a dedicated cancer clinic at Healesville
Our website has a new look and new features, to help you discover all the ways we’re connecting health services, driving best practice, and improving experiences and outcomes for Victorians affected by cancer.
The Foundation will deliver 100 full-time equivalent positions nationally over the next 3 years
The Allied Health Strategy and Roadmap project at Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre (AWRCC) set out to define a centre-wide strategy and actionable roadmap for allied health services at AWRCC.