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OCP implementaion
Supporting effective implementation of the optimal care pathway

Optimal Cancer Care Pathways aim to improve patient outcomes by facilitating consistent, safe, high quality and evidence-based care.  They can be used by health services and professionals as a tool to identify gaps in current cancer services and inform quality improvement initiatives across all aspects of the care pathway.

Details regarding current SMICS OCP related projects can be found below:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Learning Program

Project Lead: Jenny Thresher

Completed: 2023

The Optimal Care Pathway (OCP) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aims to decrease disparities in cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. To support health professionals and services implement the OCP, we brought together Aboriginal health and liaison workers (AHLO) and cancer nurse educators from four metropolitan and regional health services to co-develop a learning package.

Improving well-being and support for all Victorians affected by cancer

Advance Care Planning at Alfred Health and Peninsula Health

Project Lead: Geraldine Largey

Completed 2021

SMICS supported the development and pilot implementation of an Advance Care Planning (ACP) Workbook Project at Alfred Health and Peninsula Health between February 2021 and October 2021. The aim of the project was to promote greater participation by oncology multidisciplinary practitioners in ACP activities.

Workforce Development
Implementing a Metastatic Breast MDM - Peninsula Health:

Project Lead:     Jenny Thresher 

In Progress

Patients with MBC have complex, high level supportive care needs requiring a multidisciplinary approach that differs from those with early breast cancer.  The MDM framework provides a standardised approach for referrals and planning for complex treatment. Whilst enabling monitoring and evaluation of performance which supports quality patient care and streamlining time poor resources.

MDM Quality: Establishment of MDM Governance Group:

Project Leads:   Geraldine Largey (Monash Health),  Anna Maciejewska (Peninsula Health)  Jenny Thresher (Alfred Health)

In Progress

MDM Governance structures are being established and supported at Monash Health, Peninsula Health, and Alfred Health to monitor and improve MDM quality.

MDM Quality: QOOL VIC Implementation at Peninsula Health​

Project Leads: Anna Maciejewska, Jenny Thresher

Completed 2021

SMICS has assisted Peninsula Health in implementing the Queensland Oncology On-Line-Victoria (QOOL-VIC) application for all oncology multi-disciplinary meetings. QOOL-VIC assists meeting preparation, and documentation and communication of essential clinical information such as diagnosis, cancer stage and recommended treatment plans.

Improving equity of access to high quality cancer care
Improving Equity

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services are supported by the Victorian Government 

© 2023 Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service

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The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

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