Consumer engagement at GRICS

People affected by cancer, and their carers, can provide unique and valuable insights into healthcare based upon their lived experiences.
GRICS values input from such ‘consumers’ to enhance cancer service improvement projects and to positively impact cancer outcomes for Gippsland.
There are 2 ways in which consumers can engage with GRICS:
GRICS Consumer Network
This distribution list receives consumer-related information and project collaboration opportunities by email or post. To join the GRICS Consumer Network, please contact GRICS on (03) 5173 8351 or email
GRICS Consumer Reference Group
Our consumer reference group provides support and advice to assist cancer service improvement across Gippsland. Members meet 3 times per year (either face-to-face or online) and also contribute actively to the operation of GRICS outside of those meetings. To join the GRICS Consumer Reference Group, you can:
- fill in the contact form below
- call GRICS on (03) 5173 8351, or
- email